The Luminary Journal
By Tuaca Kelly The contentment continues to linger in my tissues. Though one-week has elapsed since our return home, I feel as though I’m still at the nature retreat centre where my wife and I just conducted our first annual silent retreat. There is a specific quality of relaxation that coaxes me to melt, making surrendering to the moment all the more attractive and accessible. This is in spite of the sounds of glass bottles falling from the recycling trucks used to transport them into massive collection bins with a piercing shatter; the increased volume of the city pushing its edge’s to celebrate King’s Day and the unusual heat-provoked juvenile nighttime ruckus in the neighborhood. With how I am feeling, my body may as well be walking around the retreat’s lake, in the midst of a midday siesta and sitting with the participants in silent meditation. I feel good – and I attribute my “ahhhh…” in part to silence. Silence for me is a dedicated period of devotional listening and an essential component to health, balance and the cultivation of an intimate relationship with nature. It is through silence that recalibration to one’s own breath, desire and humanity can flourish; it is a great equalizer and giver of truth; it is the leap from precipice into the answer; it is the gift most deny themselves daily. So how is it that this great teacher is too often overlooked? The day before leaving for my retreat I ran preparatory errands to places where I have some familiarity with the shopkeepers where rhetoric is often light and playful. In one such place, with one such person, I mentioned my retreat-bound excitement. Upon hearing this, the owner of the shop stepped into the conversation to encourage his employee to go, to be in nature, to relax. When the employee understood there would be no talking for four-entire-days he shook his head with an adamant no and laughed as though the suggestion was comical. It seemed the concept of not talking was more than enough to underwhelm him. I can imagine. Every time I enter that shop the television is on or the employee is standing outside smoking a cigarette or talking on his mobile phone. There is clearly a degree of brisk or restless activity and entertainment that he is accustomed to. And if a respite from that flavor of occupation – or distraction as the case maybe – would give liberty to more intimate feelings, including sadness, grief or disappointment, the surfacing realities may change or threaten to change the lifestyle he values? This isn’t to say that his hobbies don’t bring him satisfaction or social rewards, but when avoiding silence becomes the norm, when not listening and consequently decision-making is left to chance, that seems like risky business to me. Perhaps this man considers that silence is something ‘other people’ do, people that wear clothes made from sustainable hemp, eat fermented raw foods from canning jars with their own set of chopsticks, practice AcroYoga in city parks, or follow Mother Amma from one ashram to the next? Perhaps he doesn’t recognize himself in any of these visions and maybe – stretching maybe – if he saw a professional athlete surrendering to silence, he too would consider granting himself the experience? While this is a possibility, I tell you in earnest that beyond claim of country flag, sports team or other association, silence is for everyone that stops and listens for it. The value, lessons and virtues are made apparent through the actual experience of it and I can only encourage you to nourish yourself with this great teacher. Care to listen? Ready, set, shhhh… Homework: 1. Commit. While there can be ideal settings for silence, such as a nature retreat, you have everyday of your life to take care of yourself as best you can. Just stop and listen…even when noises (such as glass bottles) are in the distance, go deeper into your listening. 2. Meals Times. Granting moments of devotional listening before and throughout eating your meals will help guide your choices and prevent over exertion on your body by eating just what you need, not too much or too little. Relaxed eating makes for healthier digestion. 3. Breathe. Silence opens you into your humanity. Different emotions are bound to arise. Stay connected to your body and your breath. 4. Invite your family. If your family members are hip to silence then consider a practice together, during meal times for instance. Consider begging one morning each week for an hour or more in silence. 5. Gentleness. If your family doesn’t understand how come you want some moments for yourself, this maybe an indication that you haven’t taken any before? Balance is key. 6. Consider a retreat. An annual or bi-annual silent retreat in nature can do wonders on the system. It is important to rest, recharge and refuel. It is important for devoted mothers and fathers to remember they are also women and men. A silent retreat can be a liberating rediscovery of individual needs and enhance the relationships between family members. Do you have a time devoted to silent meditation? Have you been on a silent retreat? Do you think sitting around quietly is beneficial? How does silence inform you? Are you a parent striving to balance family obligations and self-care? What of these exercises are you willing to explore and report on later? Please share. Etiquette: Only mature and constructive comments directly related to the article’s topic are welcome. Published: 18 May 2014 Tuaca Kelly, spiritual teacher, medical intuitive and master healer serves to assist others in recognizing and developing their multidimensional consciousness and health, critical thinking skills, intuitive discernment, and realizing their soul potential. She lives in the Netherlands with her wife. For further insight visit: Read the Dutch translation. Recently, I was invited by an aquaintance –a superb violinist from the Rotterdams Philharmonisch– to his orchestra’s concert in Rotterdam. The excitement I felt was observable and touched upon my lifelong joy for such rich outings. As a child, I’d lay in night’s wonder listening to the classical music floating from my solid-state radio that I had perched near my pillow in the frame of my wooden trundle bed.
The calm speaking voice of the program announcer was also wooing while sharing historical facts of the genius composers behind the music and the modern orchestras who recorded them. Elements of my excitement were being able to discern and name each of the instruments, and in some cases, anticipate their celestial movements. Their resonating tones vibrated in my body; I felt as though I was all parts of the music – wood, wind, brass and baton. “I got you tickets in loge”, my friend announced before strolling away backstage with his violin case, my partner and I, onward to our seats in box D. As the musicians tuned winter’s distortions from their cold instruments, I began to smile. I really had no clue as to what music would be played yet I knew I would enjoy it. The lights dimmed and the conductor took his position on the podium. Facing his orchestra, from moments of stillness before silence gave way, music emerged giving birth to itself. The unnamed piece filled the room; virtually all musicians were either actively in play or on the verge, in anticipatory position awaiting their cue. In the back of the stage, one man sat quite a distance from his colleagues and his instrument: the gong. His musical cue was much later in the piece so continue to sit he did. When it came time for him to play, I counted 30 strikes upon the large suspended brass sun. These tones had their meaning and contributed nicely to the arrangement. When the last vibration of the gong found rest, the man returned to his chair, mission accomplished. This collaboration is beautiful testimony to the inherence of creation: that everyone and everything has purpose. The oboe, the cello, and the bass are essential and although there are nearly 100 master musicians who know their instrument and score exceptionally well they still require a leader to function with dynamic coherence. They need a conductor to inspire, guide and keep the whole of the experience in their consciousness as well as in the diligent awareness of others to reach individual and collective potential. An orchestra needs a conductor to instill presence and with that, music becomes a transformative mode of healing. Interestingly, the mission of the conductor touches upon my own. Throughout my life, messages from divine and cosmic intelligence as well as the lyrical and vibrational aspects of music have played to or sought my awareness. During years of both personal work and private sessions, I came to understand more of what I intuitively knew about nature. This understanding guided my development of The Alignment – a multidimensional group-healing experiential event designed to assist others in realizing their full potential. While each Alignment is unique unto it –something I’ll address further– there are fundamental features to each experiential event, much like the symphony orchestra. As the developer or ‘conductor’ of The Alignment it is paramount: · I am clear with intention: to produce or facilitate transformative music or healing transmissions appropriate for the individual in the group; to assist them in realizing their full dynamic potential, divine humanity and multidimensional consciousness and health. · I am clear with boundaries: how to direct music, (e.g., legato, staccato, marcato), how long to play it and at what ‘volume’ or intensity. · I acknowledge who is present: the humans in the room as well as the divine ‘musicians’. · I listen to the music and the infinite universal intelligence. · I am clear and present. Before each event, I clean and prepare the concert hall and my body with Palo Santo and prayer. I also meditate and hydrate. My focus is required and everything that could present during The Alignment will require my attention. The crux of The Alignment is the transmissions. Like the musical conductor, I rise to the podium and begin in stillness as the music or divine universal intelligence rises from within. Certainly, all the musicians, guides, angels, and benevolent beings involved, as well as an individual’s soul intelligence and the intelligence of the transmissions, knows exactly what is required for everyone present. With that precise insight, the transmissions or encoded music is customized for the individual and integrative transformative experiences take place. The transmissions I’m in concert with are simultaneously vibrating and integrated with the sacred fields of creation that engender life itself. This evolutionary atomic awareness creates mathematics, music, nature’s geometry, and an individual’s divine blueprint. By bringing consciousness to the blueprint through The Alignment, illness or imbalance on the level of the personality, in the human body, in the light body, soul or other level, can be corrected or restored. During The Alignment transmission, whether in private or group sessions, there have been many experiences lived and shared. One woman found permanent relief when two cysts that once caused pain in her breast for decades completely dissolved and were removed. Another woman came reporting that she had lost her sense of smell following a surgery and had been without that perception for 7-years. During the transmission, her ability completely returned. A year later she visited again, pointing to her nose stating with a lovely smile that it still worked. There have been reports of physical and emotional pains momentarily intensifying from both recent and former, even decades old injuries, coming to the surface and being ‘pulled out’. Discarnate or dissociative energies that have clung to a person are also transmuted and removed. I call that ‘cleaning house’. There are also interactive experiences shared in The Alignment. Some people have had direct contact with their loved ones that crossed-over. Others have felt the absolute loving presence and touch of angels and their guides. Participants have been shown or traveled to civilizations, dimensions and non-earth beings. Some people faced their greatest fears to meet freedom with the information they were given while others began to receive downloads that gifted them with valuable insight. During a transmission, I’ve experienced wrinkles disappear. While life-changing transformations can and do take place, the intelligence is customized for the individual so in some cases, a person may have more subtle or general, nonetheless meaningful changes. For example, I observed one woman in her relative senior years. Before the transmissions, her complexion was void of color and vitality. She ‘looked’ angry – yet this didn’t reflect who she was, or how she was feeling in the moment. After the transmission, I watched her energy body inform her physical body how to revitalize as her skin became vibrant, colorful and supple. She described feeling great warmth in her body and said something akin to, “I’m knew at this but I’m learning!” On occasion, I receive requests to meet with specialized private groups. One was for a charity in England that assists former combat veterans/ex-military who received the diagnosis of PTSD. A few men admitted laughing and making many jokes about their upcoming meeting with me, “some healer from California.” I’m sure they had a field day with conjured stereotypes; I appreciated their humor. After the transmission, there were reports of feeling complete peace and in subsequent times, the ability to sleep restfully again. One man divulged that he didn’t know what was pulled out of him, but he was glad it was gone and with the space his own again found a multidimensional universe and integrated intuitive network waiting for him right where it had been all along: inside. The Alignment is a multidimensional healing experience. It is a universal concert with a customized tone and tune for everyone– when they choose for growth, consciousness and responsibility. There are a growing number of people announcing hearing or feeling music. One woman opened her eyes, looked into mine, smiled knowingly and called me, “maestro”. She too, felt the music. For further insight about Tuaca Kelly and The Alignment, please visit: |